So if you're just accidentally here, I would explain what is MonsterMMOrpg
- It is a MMO game, with currently more than 500,000 members! It is currently one of the top games in MMOs
- It is a game where there are four things to do: CATCH-BATTLE-TRAIN-CONQUER
- If you like or love pokemon, this is a game for you! It is an easy to play browser game, with thousands of friendly users!
- We have our own TPs (trainer points) which may affect the course of stats. This is earned through defeating monsters, and the UVs (unique values) which can be seen when you catch a monster. This affects the growth of the stats of your monster when leveling up
- We have our own shop! Where you can trade your monsters, buy monsters, buy items, sell items, and sell your items with the bazaar!
- We have our own specially designed Monster Center, where you can heal your monsters, and set your party or team.
- If you're a foreigner and new to our game, good news! Every country has its own chat, where players from its own country may chat with each other. We also have a universal chat, the English chat, where most of our members talk with each other.
- Our game has our own Wiki, Forums, and as you can see here, our own Blog!
- A very unique MonsterDex, where you can see the base stats, abilities, and other cool features of our monsters!
- Our awesome admin, Cefurkan updates frequently (new monsters, new stats, etc.)
- We have a bonus weekend event where you may gain more experience points to level up your monsters, and more gold to buy more items!
- We have very friendly moderators, who will help you even if they won't sleep until they help you!
- More than 600 monsters, each with their own unique statuses, nature, etc.!
- We have two languages in the game: English and Turkish where you can pick what language you would want in your screen
- Unlike pokemon, here we have 4th evolution monsters!
- It is a browser game, so no need to download anything!
- Very high quality monster images
- We have very plenteous youtube videos to teach you how to play the game!
- Our admin, Cefurkan, is very generous in giving rewards
- We have an official test server, this is for the planned changes in game! (to be said later)
- FREE for all!
There are currently lots of planned changes in our game
- More than 500 maps will be released, each with their own awesome monsters, and unique features
- NPCs!
- The ancient gems
- The ancient sages
- New sprites!
- Adding new features in the game!
- New monsters will be added in the game (we are planning more than 10,000 monsters!)
An introduction to our active game people (usually found in the forums) this is so you know them when you join
- Cefurkan- The admin of our game, he is our one and only founder
- Heatshot- A game assistant, usually found in turkish forum
- Freak500- The lead moderator in the english forum
- Orboknown- A super moderator in the game, and is one of the respected ones. You can PM him if you have any questions about the game
- Sparrowhawk- A super moderator, one of the coolest and naughtiest people in the forum. Even though he's like that, he is still respectable.
- Guider- A super moderator. Usually, you don't see him, but he is lurking. A very respectable moderator. PM him if you have questions
- Henrie- An art designer, she draws monsters
- Garbagekeeper- Another art designer, she also draws monsters
- Dark.Zero- A regular moderator, thinks first before he act. PM him if you have questions about the game
Here are the important links
MonsterMMORPG Official forum:
MonsterMMORPG Official wiki:
MonsterMMORPG Official test Server:
What will you do now?
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